About Zonerama.com

Zonerama.com is a free and public online service that offers users unlimited space and lets them upload photos and videos, organize them into albums, and then easily share them.

Yes, all its basic features are free:

  • uploading of photos (without restrictions),
  • uploading of videos in 4K quality and with a length of up to 5 minutes,
  • sharing via links and social networks.
Its premium features are only available to users with the Zonerama Premium service.

It is a set of several enhancements to the services Zonerama offers, plus its integration into Zoner Photo Studio, e.g.:

  • the ability to upload unlimited-length videos,
  • a link manager offering editing of existing links plus advanced settings (e.g. link expiration dates),
  • highly configurable embedding of HTML galleries in your own website,
  • removal of ads from your albums and on your profile.
We are also gradually adding more benefits.

Zonerama Premium is available to everyone who has an active license or valid License Maintenance period or trial for ZPS X. Without one of these, a user loses their right to the benefits of Zonerama Premium.

Yes; the premium services on Zonerama.com will be available until your trial license for ZPS X expires.

No, the Premium features will be restricted:

  • The Link Manager will no longer be available. All the links you have created will, however, remain valid.
  • Any HTML Galleries you have will stop working. On any pages where you used HTML Galleries, your photos will no longer be displayed.
  • Videos over 5 minutes long will be made inaccessible and will be deleted after 1 year.

No; when your Zonerama Premium expires, these features are restricted, but no content or settings are deleted. If you later renew your Zonerama Premium, the features will be renewed in their original scope:

  • All the links and HTML Galleries you have created will be fully available and functional.
  • Videos longer than 5 minutes will only be renewed if less than a year has passed since your Zonerama Premium expired.

Photo and video browsing does not require a login. However, to upload photos and videos to Zonerama.com, you must log in with a Zoner Account.

Yes, your gallery can be browsed with a normal phone browser on every major mobile operating system. You can also upload photos and videos from your phone at www.zonerama.com.

Zoner Accounts (Registration)

Zoner Accounts are a unifying element linking all of our services, like Zonerama, Zoner Photo Studio, and our Learn Photography magazine. You can use it to manage your Zoner Photo Studio orders and licenses so you’ll never lose them.

If you don’t yet have a Zoner Account, take these three steps to create one:

  1. Click “Create Account” at the top right of the screen.
  2. Enter the email address you’ll be using to log in to use Zoner services. Click the “Create Account” button to confirm your email address.
  3. We send that email address an account activation link (it generally arrives within one minute). Click the link and set the password you’ll use to log in to your Zoner Account.

If the email with your activation code hasn’t reached you yet, please:

  • Wait a few minutes longer. Some email clients, such as Outlook, have a small delay in message delivery.
  • Carefully check your spam folder and any “Promotions,” “Social Networks,” etc. folders your email client may have. The email might have ended there.
  • If you are certain it did not arrive, repeat the registration, and we will send you a new link.
  • If the activation link repeatedly does not reach you, check for any filter that might be deleting these messages.

Zoner Account (Login)

If you cannot log in to your Zoner Account, take these steps:

  1. Check whether you have entered the right email address.
  2. If the email address is correct, check to see if you have CAPS LOCK turned on, or your number pad turned off, and repeat the login.
  3. If you continue to be unable to log in, you are most likely entering the wrong password. Click the “Forgot your password?” link to have us email you a special link for changing your password. Then open that link and set the new password you will be using. Confirm the password change.
  4. Now try logging in with the new password.

Log in to your profile on Zonerama. Click your profile picture at the top right (if you have not yet set one, you’ll see a gray avatar) and then “Zoner Account Settings.” This opens the web page for your Zoner Account (account.zoner.com). Click “Settings” in the blue bar at the top. This takes you to your account settings. Use these to change your account password or email.

Log in to your profile on Zonerama. Your profile picture and your gallery’s name and address are shown in the top middle. Hover the mouse over your gallery’s address. Next to the address, this shows a pencil icon – a “Change” button. Click it and then enter your desired URL address for your Zonerama gallery (in our example you’d enter “jones” in the box next to “zonerama.com”). Then save your changes.


Click the gray square-and-arrow button – “Share” – at the top right. You can share the address of your profile, one whole album, or one individual photo: the Share button shares what you’re viewing when you click it. After clicking “Share,” choose one of the photo sharing options.

Use “Facebook” or “Twitter” to share your photos directly on one of these two social networks. Use the “Email” option to send an email (including photo previews) straight from Zonerama using our template. Just fill in the recipients’ email addresses and your message. Use the “Link” variant to get a link that you can then paste anywhere to link directly to the desired location on Zonerama.

Users with the Zonerama Premium service active have broader link expiration configuration possibilities and can also use the Link Manager. They can also embed HTML galleries directly into their own websites.

Yes, you can password-protect an album, making it only accessible to selected people. You then just send the password to those people. Here’s how to password-protect an album:

  1. When you’re creating a new album, a “Require Password” option is shown just below the album’s name. Click the toggle switch here to turn it on. This displays a password entry field – use it to set the password that people will use to view your album. Or instead add the album to the “Hidden Albums” folder, or to a folder of your own that you have set as Hidden. To change an album’s location, click the blue “Change” link at the top right.
  2. To password-protect an album you’ve already created, click next to it on the pencil icon – “Other Settings” – and use the “Password-protect Album” option. Then click the “Require password” toggle and then set the password you want. To move albums among folders, use a similar technique, but pick “Move Album” instead.
You can also password-protect an entire folder (folders are on the level above albums) –⁠ click the pencil icon when choosing a folder and then use “Password-protect Folder.” To hide a folder, click the pencil icon and use “Hide Folder.”

There’s no way to prevent the theft of photos on the internet, but there are ways to make downloading and abuse much more difficult:

  1. When uploading photos, turn on the “Hide Download” option in the right portion of the “Upload Photos” window. This deactivates the photo download button. This option is also available when you are inside an individual album. Click the pencil icon here and then turn off “Show Controls” and turn on “Hide Download.”
  2. Zonerama also uses other protective elements whose job is to make it as difficult as possible to download photos when this option is turned off.
  3. Right when you are uploading photos, you can watermark them using the “Watermark Photos” option. When other users download any of these photos, a watermark will be imprinted into the downloaded copy, i.e. the photo will include whatever text you chose in the watermark settings. Your original photo will remain unchanged.

Yes, as long as the album’s owner allows it, you can download a photo or a whole album by clicking the arrow button, i.e. “Download.” When you are browsing the photos in an album, this button is shown on the right, next to the blue “Share” button. To download a single photo, view that photo in Zonerama’s photo viewer and then click “Download” at the bottom right.

Zonerama offers an option to let other users contact you. It is turned off by default. To turn it on, click your photo/avatar on the right in the top bar and then use “Zonerama Settings” and then the “Let other users send me messages via a contact form.” Then click Save.

You can always let a user know that you like their photo by clicking the blue “Like” button at the bottom right. If the photo is from a user who has turned on the “Let other users send me messages via a contact form” option, then you can send them a message. To do so, click the envelope icon on the main page of their profile. To reach the “Contact User” option from an album, click the “Other Settings” (three dots vertically) toolbar item.

There is no way to comment on photos directly on Zonerama. However, you can share their photo on social networks, and you can state that you like a photo on Zonerama using the blue “Like” button.


  • Space for photos: unlimited
  • Photo format: JPEG
  • Color space: sRGB
  • Photo size limit in px: the maximum size per dimension is 20,000 pixels
  • Data limit per picture: 200 MB

Zonerama does not alter photos that are in JPG format and the sRGB color space at all. It saves them as-is and thus retains their original resolution as well as EXIF and other metadata such as GPS coordinates and colored labels. Photos in other color spaces such as Adobe RGB are, for many reasons, not suitable for use in presentation. Zonerama does not support saving them as-is and converts the uploaded copy to the sRGB color space instead. This means the photo is resaved, with the corresponding consequences such as a change in file size.

If a photo is saved in a different color space, then it is resaved into the sRGB color space. We save photos at the 98% JPEG quality level, optimizing their final file size in MB. However, the display quality difference is indistinguishable to the human eye. The photo’s resolution and all its metadata remain untouched.

It is not possible to upload photos in RAW format to Zonerama. Convert your photo, save it to JPEG, and then upload it to Zonerama. ZPS X users can upload RAW photos to Zonerama straight from the program; the uploaded photos are converted to JPEG automatically.


On Zonerama.com, you can upload videos that you’ve saved in any of the most common formats (e.g. AVI, MP4, and MOV). Supported codecs: H.264, MPEG-4, VP9, and AV1

The video will be resampled to optimize bitrate:

  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160 pix (4K)
  • Bitrate: 25 Mb/s
  • Codec: H.264, AV1
  • The maximum length per video is 5 minutes. The number of videos per user is unlimited.
Users with an active ZPS X license / maintenance period can upload videos of unlimited length.

Yes, the uploaded files are resampled to a resolution of 3840 x 2160 px and their bitrate is optimized to 25 Mb/s. The encoding used is H264, and the format is MP4.

The video needs to be processed and its bitrate needs to be optimized for playback. The time for this process may vary depending on the length of the uploaded video and its quality and format.


You can upload an unlimited number of JPEG-format photos to Zonerama. We do not compress these photos, and you can always download them from Zonerama at full resolution. For more information, see the FAQ section on supported photo formats.

We also provide unlimited space for videos up to 5 minutes long. Their specifications are UHD quality, 3840 x 2160 px, MPEG4, H.264.

Users with an active ZPS X license or maintenance period can upload videos of unlimited length.

  1. In Zoner Photo Studio: Photos can also be uploaded onto Zonerama.com from inside of Zoner Photo Studio (versions 14 and up). For a guide to this, read our article “How to Publish Photos to Zonerama Straight from Zoner Photo Studio X.” In the latest version – Zoner Photo Studio X – you can change the security and settings of Zonerama folders right inside of the program. If you are uploading photos in an unsupported format, the upload will be automatically converted to JPEG (sRGB color space).
  2. From a web browser: Log in to zonerama.com and click “Upload Photos” at the top right. Then click “Select Files.” Now just find and select the photos on your computer. You can also upload the photos by just dragging them from a Windows Explorer window that you’ve opened on your own.

  1. Inside of Zoner Photo Studio X: You can upload and download Zonerama.comvideos from here.
  2. From a web browser: Log in to zonerama.com and click the “Upload Photos” button at the top right. Then click “Select Files.” Now just find and select the videos on your computer. You can also upload the videos by just dragging them from a Windows Explorer window that you’ve opened on your own.

Zonerama does not alter photos that are in JPG format and the sRGB color space at all. It saves the files as-is, and so it retains their original resolution and EXIF and other metadata like GPS coordinates and colored labels. Photos in other color spaces such as Adobe RGB are, for many reasons, not suitable for presentation. Zonerama does not support saving them as-is and converts the upload to the sRGB color space instead. This means the photo is resaved, with the corresponding consequences such as a change in file size.

For videos, their bitrates are always optimized during uploading.

Other Settings

On your account’s main page – “My Photos” – click the pencil icon at the top right. i.e. “Edit Profile.” Two basic tabs are shown under the photo filmstrip – “Public” and “Hidden Albums.” Alongside these basic albums you can add new tabs for your albums. To add them, click the small “plus” icon. This lets you have albums sorted e.g. by photographic topics, countries visited, the names of children and grandchildren, types of photography-job orders, etc.

No, Zonerama is only a simple web gallery aimed at simple and clear album sharing – on the main toolbar, you can create folders, e.g. “Public Albums,” but these folders can only contain individual albums, which in turn contain photographs. No other way of structuring them is available.

Zonerama.com is not designed for backing up photos. You can use e.g. Zoner Photo Cloud for this purpose. For more about this service, see our article: What is Zoner Photo Cloud?

Yes, you can. Go into an album, and at the top right, click the pencil icon and then the “Edit Album Description” option.

Yes. There are two options here:

  1. Fill in EXIF information in Zoner Photo Studio X prior to uploading photos onto Zonerama. A photo’s EXIF title and description info will be displayed beneath it automatically when it is viewed on Zonerama.
  2. Open the photo and click on the three-dots icon at the bottom right. Then use the “Show Description Panel” option.

Every picture comes out of the camera with metadata included, including EXIF data. In EXIF you can find e.g. information such as the date a photo was taken, the camera model and the exposure info. Zonerama preserves the original photo including all its metadata and can then display that data. If that metadata include GPS coordinates, it also shows where the photo was taken, using a map. Visitors can view this data by clicking a button: the “info” circle icon at the bottom right.